Windows notifications and google search questions
2 min read

Windows notifications and google search questions

That jarring sound when this appears.

Where does it come from?

  1. 'How to create notification sounds'

No, not quite the question

2. 'Where do default notification sounds come from'

Still not quite there

3. 'Where do default notification sounds come from microsoft'

More specific but nothing. But check out the second question people also ask

4. 'What is the default outlook notification sound'

Now we have a name. But wait, its not the error sound. At least we can infer they store notifications in sound files. But this got me thinking of a better question to start with.

5. Who created windows notification sound

Some trivia knowledge. I had not heard this before. (HQ) Windows 95 Startup Sound - Brian Eno - The Microsoft Sound - YouTube

When I scroll down, I notice that others also find the notification sound of Windows 10 jarring:

At this point, I'm not fussed about figuring it out. I usually keep my laptop volume below 50% anyways. This was an exploration without a conclusion.