google searches

  • When I want an honest review of something, my Google search will look like this

"topic I'm searching" + "reddit"

There's something more authentic about a Reddit review that I don't find elsewhere. Imagine reading the Amazon* reviews on a product. Now imagine the same product being reviewed on a subreddit. Not the same, the latter almost always feels more authentic and reliable.

*I don't seem to have this issue on Shopee or Lazada marketplaces, I use the product reviews on these sites to help me decide. Wonder why.

PS: after writing the asterisk, more instances where my claim would not apply are creeping at the edge of my mind. Not going to entertain them because why do we need to nuance or challenge every statement? Noticed that people do this quite a bit online:

Person A: I think X

Person B: Oh really? what about YZ?

Warps your mind a bit if you spend too much time in these spaces. seems to erase room for nuance, and perhaps makes one reluctant to explore the weeds of an idea?